Authentic Tailored Safaris


Our safari rates include all services rendered by us, and we only generate revenue if you book a safari with us. Going directly to the camps will not save you money because we earn volume-based discounts from them and can always access the best prices - for your benefit.

Camping Safaris

We offer:

Luxury Safaris: Fully serviced camping safaris, everything is done by the safari team, the tents and camp installation, bedding,
cleaning and cooking. Bedding includes a camping bed with mattress, pillows, sheets and blankets and towels, tents are more spacious, with en-suite ablutions and you looked after by some professional camp staff. Your meals are prepared and cooked for you by your private chef. Laundry is available except for the washing of underwear and hankies. Drinks are provided for you and we will request a list of what you drink when you book your safari.

Semi - Participation Safaris: On semi-participation camping safaris, guests only have to set up and pack up their tents and setting up of your beds during the trip, while all the chores are carried out by the safari team.
For semi-participation safari, guests do their laundry and the facilities are provided for washing. Drinks are bought own cost at the beginning of the safari. 

Budget Safaris: Budget safaris means we provide you with bedding, such as pillows and sleeping bags. We will provide you with a mattress. You will be accommodated in tents which you will help the camp staff to set it up. You will assist with cooking and washing and cleaning up.
Water and drinks are bought at guests own cost at the beginning of the safari. 

Specialty Safaris: The camp staff ensures every detail of meal and drink preparation, cooking and cleaning. We provide mobile camping safari utilities, spacious 2 person walk-in canvas tents.


Our tented accommodation in private sites across the north of Botswana is under canvas and stars! Spacious Sahara Deluxe tents are equipped with a spacious en suite bathroom with loo and bucket shower. Showering has never been so much fun and water can be ordered by any of the camp's crew at the end of a long day out photographing. Cot beds with fully made bedrolls feature a sheet, pillow and duvet with an extra blanket in the cooler months of May to September. A canvas wash basin just outside your tent is filled with warm water in the mornings to freshen up for a day of adventure. 


Our game drives and wildlife viewing is conducted in our specially modified Land Cruiser with you the photographer in mind. With excellent visibility, comfortable individual seats and a window seat for each of the 6 photographers on board, its the perfect way to explore and photograph. Special camera mounts and bean bags are available for each photographer. We also make use of an inverter system for charging camera batteries, iPads, phones and laptops. We can also arrange boat excursions on the Chobe River and Moremi Game Reserve on request as well as mokoro (dug out canoe) experience if required.
Our safaris are about wildlife photography and we conduct the trip as such. Meal times are flexible based on wildlife behaviour, interaction and light.


​Whilst on safari, there are 3 meals served per day. Early breakfast starts around the camp fire and includes tea, filter coffee, cereals, toast and porridge.Our meals are totally flexible to accommodate the photography. Next up is a brunch in camp which consists of one or two warm dishes, salad and freshly baked bread. Dinner is three courses with a starter, main and dessert all served with fine wine from the Cape in South Africa. All meals and drinks on safari are included.
We are also able to accommodate a variety of food requests including vegetarian and gluten free. Please make sure that you note any dietary requirements or requests on our booking form.